The Gorgeous Glacier Lake Hike In Banff National Park
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The Gorgeous Glacier Lake Hike In Banff National Park

After completing the Glacier Lake Hike one rainy day I knew I had to come back and try backpacking to Glacier Lake. After a few failed attempts…thanks June snow, it was finally time! The Glacier Lake Hike is usually accessible fairly early in the hiking season even though it is located along the Icefields Parkway….

Backpacking Lake Minnewanka Is The Best Overnight Trip Close To Banff

Backpacking Lake Minnewanka Is The Best Overnight Trip Close To Banff

I am always so excited to get my backpack on when spring rolls around but most trails aren’t accessible still in the mountains. One great early season option is backpacking Lake Minnewanka. The low level trail is often snow free by early to mid May with the option of a day hike to the Aylmer…

Everything You Need To Know About The Greenbelt Pathway In Revelstoke

Everything You Need To Know About The Greenbelt Pathway In Revelstoke

The Greenbelt Pathway trail is the perfect easy stroll if you are in Revelstoke. It provides incredible views and is located close to downtown and so it’s easy to reach on foot if you are wandering around town. It is paved so it’s perfect for anyone to tackle or if you want a bit more…