We typically only purchase items for outdoors adventures when they are on sale. This means black friday sales are a perfect time to snag some high price items for a more reasonable price! Camping, hiking and many other outdoor adventures require gear and so we are always looking for the best prices for our favorite items! I’ve collected some of the best deals in Canada on outdoor gear during the Black Friday sales. Below you’ll find information and sale prices for items I already use, or I’ll be buying myself haha.
Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, so I may earn a small commission on any purchase made, at no additional cost to you. This helps me keep the blog running, so thank you for your support!
My Favorite Gear On Sale For Black Friday
Garmin InReach Mini 2
We’ve had our Garmin InReach Mini 2 for over a year now and we love it. Small and mighty, this item is perfect to help you stay connected while out of cell reception and know you always have the ability to call for help if you need it!
The best news is that the device is currently selling for the lowest I’ve ever seen it! So if you’ve been waiting for the time to buy one, now knight just be it!
Note, you’ll need a monthly subscription service to use the device, we do month by month and suspend it when we aren’t adventuring as much.
Was: $539.99
Now: $399.99

Hiking Boots – La Sportiva Raptor 2
If you’ve been here for a while, you’ll know I absolutely love my La Sportiva Raptor 2 hiking boots! They are lightweight and comfortable and after a full summer of use, they seem well made too and they are still in perfect condition for summer number two of hiking.
La Sportiva shoes are 25% off for black friday! So if you are thinking of grabbing a pair, now would be the time!
Was: $269.95
Now: $202.46
Hiking boots can be personal and what works for me might not work for you. Head into your local store for a fitting if you aren’t sure. Or if you have a brand you love, there are lots of great sales on many other brands of hiking boots right now.

Osprey Ariel Backpack
I’ve been using my Osprey Ariel 65l backpack for six years now and I love it. It’s currently a whopping 25% off in the claret red colour, so if you are looking for a great, comfortable, carry everything pack, grab it while it’s selling for a great price! This pack has been well worth the investment for me and it’s a core piece of gear for me. If you want a more in depth review, find mine here.
Was: $419.99
Now: $311.99

Big Agnes Copper Spur Tent
We currently use the Marmot Tungsten 2 person tent for backpacking and we love it. But if I could justify buying a new tent, I’d be going for the ever so popular Big Agnes Copper Spur tent which is currently 20% off for Black Friday.
This tent it pricey, I can’t deny it and rarely goes on sale, so snap it up while you can. It’s popular for a reason, perfectly balancing light weight materials with ample inside space and two vestibules for gear storage when at camp.
Was: $699.95
Now: $559.96
There are so many great deals on clothing for your next outdoor adventure during black friday. We love the Fjallraven Keb pants for hiking in, they are a heavier pant but indestructible. They are also on the more expensive side, get them during black friday to save some money on these long lasting pants.
Was: $275.00
Now: $192.50

We love smartwool socks for hiking and backpacking in. They are so comfortable and they dry fast. Perfect for adventuring in. During Black Friday they are 25% off and a portion of money from the sale of every pair of socks is donated to the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. There has never been a better time to buy excellent socks!
Platypus Gravity Works
My all time favorite water filter for backpacking is the Platypus Gravity Filter, especially when we are staying at the same backcountry spot for a few days. This rarely goes on sale and is currently 25% off. We have the 4 litre version which is perfect for two people, we find. It allows us to make a hot drink, dinner and fill our Nalgene bottles and even have some spare water left for breakfast some days.
It also came in really handy when we were hiking the West Coast Trail and water at one of the campgrounds was sparse, we filtered 4 litres of water and then filled back up the dirty bag. Carried it all to camp and had plenty of clean water!
Was: $189.95
Now: $142.46

MSR Pocket Rocket Stove
It is rare for MSR to go on sale but Black Friday sales of 25% off are going on right now. We love the tiny pocket rocket 2 stove. It’s super compact and we like to think it’s fairly indestructible. We’ve had ours for five years and it is still going strong. This is our go to stove all summer for any backpacking adventures. It would also work in the front country as well if you wanted.
Was: $79.95
Now: $59.96

We also have the MSR Dragonfly stove. This is a more expensive and much bulkier stove but it works great in cold weather conditions, so we tend to pull it out for shoulder season and winter camping in both the front country and backcountry. It is a super reliable stove and very conservative on gas. The simmer control on this stove is stand out and we have friends who use it for year round backpacking, for us we prefer the lightweight pocket rocket 2 for summer but the MSR Dragonfly definitely has a place in our gear.
Was: $264.95
Now: $198.71